1. Lovely! I'm looking forward to more posts! Your life sounds interesting, and I would like to follow you, and I love you blog so much it lovely! where you live looks AWESOME I want to own a farm some day, or have a pet shop, so what I'm trying to say is I love animal and it seems like you do to so that why I'm interested. :D Grace xxx ♥ P.S Tane is my sister and she told me about you! I'm so happy!

    1. Oh my! Thank you Grace! You just made my day! :) <3 Yes, my life is very interesting! And I'm glad you like my blog! And thanks for following me! :)
      xoxo melody
      (p.s tell Tane I'm glad she told you about my blog!!) :D


Thanks so much for commenting! I love reading your notes you write to me! <3